First of all, let me apologize for being an absentee blogger. It’s been a crazy busy year for me, but that’s no excuse. I need to do better. Therefore, I’m easing back into posting and committing to blogging once a week.

I’m currently traveling throughout Mexico with friends and partially solo. As I’m sitting in the airport, I thought it would be the perfect time to do a quick post on how it is to travel as a Vegan. I’m going to give you the real, raw, uncut version of my experiences. However, I’m going to break this series up into two posts. First, I prepared for my travel days and Second, how I cope once I get to to the destination. Let’s get started with part 1; travel day preparation.


First of all, airport food is expensive as hell!! What most people don’t know is you can bring your own NON-LIQUID snacks on the plane. I know that whole “No Water/No Soda” rule has most people in the mindset that they can only purchase food from the airport. Not the case at all! In general, a rule of thumb is “as long as it ain’t wet, your good!” Now let’s get into some of my go to snacks in Tip #2


In general I stock up on Protein Bars, like Cliff Bars and 22 Day Nutrition, because they are supposed to be meal supplements. I also, pack granola, trail mix, nuts, dry cereal, Oreos (yes Oreos are vegan) and Potato chips! I also include fruit like bananas, apples and grapes. However, if you’re taking an international flight, sometimes fruit isn’t allowed. Make sure if you pack it up leaving the US, eat it while you’re on the plain.


Here’s the keeping it real portion of our segment. It can’t hurt to bring some anti-diarrhea pills on your trip. I’ll get more into why in Part 2 of this series. However, since this post is covering Vegan travel prep, I figured I’d include here. I’ve been Vegan for over 3 years now. While the US has become extremely progressive to Vegan in the past couple of years, the rest of the world hasn’t quite caught up yet. Therefore, just in case you unknowingly eat something abroad that doing coincide with your Vegan diet, you might need to be prepared for some potential “blow outs”. Shit happens! LITERALLY! Therefore, I strongly suggest you keep that Immodium on deck!

Hopefully, these tips help my vegan newbies, enthusiast or even those curious about how Vegans survive while traveling. It’s totally manageable if your properly prepared.

Until next time..Happy Travels!


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